• Mr. Coltom

    Mr. Coltom
    Grades Taught: 7-12
    Subject: Technology Education
    Phone: 528-3201 x 218
    Homeroom: Shop
    Office Hours : 7:30 to 3:30 or by appointment 
    Welcome to the shop!  Check out the links to the right for more information about all the exciting activities going on in the Industrial Technology Department.
    With the new distance learning plan we are implementing I will be using GOOGLE CLASSROOM to send out assignments and have students submit thier completed work.  If there are internet issues there will be paper packets or emails to parents sent out explaining the assignments.
    9th Grade class code for googlr classroom zthdzur
    8th Grade class code for googlr classroom aq5346h
    I will be available for online video conferences with students by request.  Students can message me with day and time that will work for them.
    Thank you for being patient during this time of learning for all of us.